Background Position
Utilities for controlling the position of an element's background image.
Class | Properties |
.bg-bottom | background-position: bottom; |
.bg-center | background-position: center; |
.bg-left | background-position: left; |
.bg-left-bottom | background-position: left bottom; |
.bg-left-top | background-position: left top; |
.bg-right | background-position: right; |
.bg-right-bottom | background-position: right bottom; |
.bg-right-top | background-position: right top; |
.bg-top | background-position: top; |
Use the .bg-{side}
utilities to control the position of an element's background image.
By default, only responsive variants are generated for this utility. You can control which variants are generated by modifying the $utility-configuration
in _settings.scss.